Bringing Islam to you

Welcome to the Africa Muslim Peace Organisation

Our Vision

Our Mission

To impart training to all our Madressah students on how to give Dawah to our non-Muslim brothers and sisters (this includes studying Hinduism, Islam and Christianity).

To ensure that our students receive knowledge to practice Dawah work within non-Muslim communities throughout South Africa and, Inshallah, extend our work throughout the world.

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About Us

AMPO is a non-profit organisation created to demonstrate the magnanimity of Islam through meaningful intervention within disadvantaged communities across South Africa. Our main aim is to offer Dawah to non-Muslim communities to enable them to create sustainable lifestyles and to thrive.

There are three main pillars that reinforce the foundation of AMPO:

Propagation of Islam

By reaching out to non-Muslim communities in townships and rural areas, we bring a fresh sense of hope and real change to many who are marginalised, living in poverty and often, violence. In our pursuit to spread the message of Islam, we always question: “How can this be of benefit to the nation of Islam?”.  We continue to expand our reach in new areas and regions as we make a difference.


The Madressah is the instructive hub of Islam. It is here that we impart Islamic knowledge to all who seek an understanding, interpretation and eventually, a deep connection with this way of life. This includes Qur’an reading, etiquette of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. and Shari’ah. Classes are available for school children and women.

Day Care

The elemental years of childhood development provide an important platform to empower our children with the fundamentals of Islam. We do this through a two-pronged approach; first, we enable them to become self-sufficient centres of learning excellence by promoting literacy, numeracy and life-skills. We then inspire their interest around Islam as a wholesome, meaningful way of life.

We achieve this through several avenues by:

  • Offering Islamic classes for revert sisters.
  • Offering comparative religious classes.
  • Hosting mass Dawah programmes at various locations.
  • Managing four day care centres and one nursing home for the disabled.
  • Building new Maktabs / Madressahs and Jamat Kannahs at various locations.


Ibrahim Rangraje (Director)

Bilal Islam Mdlalose

Ismail Rangraje

Rashid Hansrod

Dr. Adbullah Kader

Br. Sifiso Abdallah Duma

Ibrahim Rangraje (Director)

Mr. Rangraje’s strong faith and Islamic belief have guided him throughout his journey. From humble beginnings in Clairwood, south of Durban, he grew up and matured in Malagazi, an impoverished area in Isipingo, also south of Durban. His life of poverty could not diminish his innate need and desire to help others.  Even as a previously disadvantaged individual himself, he was always motivated to improve the plight of the poor. As he progressed, eventually opening his own business, The Bias Binding Specialist, he has continued to dedicate his life to promote Dawah, which enables positive change and impacts lives. From the early 1980s when he established his first Madressah, Mr Rangraje has gone on to open 10 Madressahs, four day care centres and one nursing home over a 30-year period. He has also proposed the purchase of a church in Brixton, Johannesburg, to be converted into a Musjid and stay-in Madressah.

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